Çerez Örnek
Probation Specialists
Penal Institution Specialized Personnel and Prison Protection
Expert Staff of the Ministry of Family and Social Policies (psychologist, sociologist, social worker, child developer, nurse and teacher)
Family Doctors
Ministry of Health Expert Staff
Training Themes
Addictive Substances - Effects - Complications
Evaluation of Tobacco Addiction and Treatment Approaches
Interview techniques (general principles, interviewing with adolescents, intervention in special situations, individuals under the influence of drugs, dependent individuals who want to prescribe drugs)
Motivational Interviewing Technique
Short Intervention
Intervention in emergencies in treatment (withdrawal, intoxication treatment, general treatment principles, drugs used)
Toxicological Approaches in Substance Addiction
Approach to Family
Spiritual Development Processes
Legal and ethical issues

Ege Üniversitesi