Çerez Örnek
The aim of the doctoral program is; The aim is to provide the students with the necessary competencies to conduct independent research, to interpret scientific events with a broad and deep perspective, and to reach new syntheses.
It consists of at least 14 courses, not less than 42 local credits in total, for students who are accepted as undergraduates, specialization course, proficiency exam, thesis proposal and thesis work. The total credit of the program is 300 ECTS.
It consists of at least seven courses, not less than 21 local credits in total, for students who are accepted as master's graduates, specialization course, proficiency exam, thesis proposal and thesis work. The total credit of the program is 240 ECTS.
Course success grades must be at least 2.50 out of 4.00 (CB as letters). Thesis work without local credit is considered successful or unsuccessful.
For those who are accepted with a master's degree with thesis, excluding the time spent in scientific preparation, the doctoral program is eight semesters for each semester, starting from the semester in which the courses related to the program they are enrolled in, regardless of whether they are registered or not, and the maximum completion period is twelve semesters; For those admitted with a bachelor's degree, ten semesters and the maximum completion period is fourteen semesters.
The maximum time to successfully complete the credit courses required for the doctoral program is four semesters for those who are accepted with a master's degree with thesis, and six semesters for those who are accepted with a bachelor's degree. Students who cannot successfully complete their credit courses within this period or cannot achieve the minimum grade point average required by the higher education institution are dismissed from the higher education institution.
The student who successfully completes the credit courses, is successful in the proficiency exam and whose thesis proposal is accepted, but who cannot complete the thesis work by the end of the twelve or fourteen semesters specified in the first paragraph, is dismissed.
Those who are entitled to register are the main candidates; They apply to the E.U DEPARTMENT OF STUDENT AFFAIRS together with the documents requested in the advertisement and the candidate number obtained from the internet registration medium. If the main candidate is not registered on the specified dates, the reserve candidate is entitled to be registered.
E.U. Student Affairs Department Head. Website
After the student is registered, an advisor is determined by the relevant department board within 15 days.
The duty of the consultant; To determine the courses that the student will take during his education, to approve the registration renewal, to monitor the attendance and educational status of these courses, to manage the thesis work and to act as an intermediary in his relations with the administration when necessary, to deal with other academic problems and to submit the report on the success of the student at the end of each semester to the institute directorate.
The student has to register electronically via the Aegean Information Management System (EBYS) between the dates specified for the fall and spring semesters in the academic calendar announced for each academic year.
During the registration phase, the student has to register for the courses of the semester included in the curriculum of the program he/she is enrolled in, if he/she is in the course period, and for the thesis study if he/she is in the thesis period. In order for the registration to be finalized, the Advisor's Approval is required within the registration dates.
In the second week of each semester, with the approval of the advisor, adding and deleting courses can be done electronically via EBYS.
Ege University Login with Single Password > Ege Information Management System (EBYS)
It is not possible to re-register and choose courses outside of these dates.
The advisor proposes the thesis title and topic to be determined together with the student at the end of the second semester. This proposal is approved by the institute board of directors. The relevant thesis title and subject proposal form the basis for the student's thesis proposal to be submitted to the thesis monitoring committee after successfully completing the proficiency exam.
Thesis Title and Topic Proposal Form
The proficiency exam is held within the first 3 months following the student's completion of the course phase. A student takes the proficiency exam at most twice a year.
The department notifies the doctoral qualification committee consisting of 5 people to the institute. The Proficiency Committee forms the Doctorate Proficiency Examination Jury consisting of 5 faculty members, two of whom are from another Higher Education Institution, to conduct the Proficiency Exam.
Doctoral Qualifying Committee Qualifying Exam Jury and Date Determination Minutes
The student has to take the doctoral proficiency exam by the end of 5 semesters at the latest with a master's degree and by the end of 7 semesters at the latest with a bachelor's degree.
At least 75 out of 100 must be taken from each of the written and oral exams.
Doctoral Qualifying Exam Jury Minutes
The student who fails the proficiency exam is taken to the exam again in the next semester from the section/sections of the exam he/she has failed. The student who also fails in this exam is enrolled in the doctoral program.
This committee, which examines and approves the thesis proposal of the student, and supervises/evaluates the student and the work for 6-month periods during the thesis work, is formed within 1 month for the student who is successful in the proficiency exam, with the recommendation of the relevant Department and the approval of the Institute Administrative Board.
A student who successfully completes the doctoral qualifying examination; prepares a thesis proposal covering the purpose, method and study plan of the research to be carried out within 6 months at the latest and defends it orally in front of the thesis monitoring committee. The thesis proposal defense can also be done face-to-face or via remote access after the approval of the institute board of directors. The student must distribute the thesis proposal in writing, together with the Thesis Proposal Form, to the members of the thesis monitoring committee at least 15 days before the defense date.
Thesis Proposal Form
The thesis monitoring committee decides with absolute majority whether the thesis proposal submitted by the student will be accepted, corrected or rejected. One month is given for correction. At the end of this period, the decision to accept or reject by absolute majority is notified to the institute by the institute department/article department with the thesis monitoring committee meeting minutes within three working days following the end of the process.
Thesis Monitoring Committee Thesis Subject Approval Minute
The thesis monitoring committee meets twice a year between January-June and July-December to evaluate the thesis work carried out by the student with the support of his/her advisor. The result of the relevant evaluation is notified to the Institute in an official letter.
The student is obliged to write the thesis he has completed in accordance with the SBE-Thesis Writing Guide.
SBE - Thesis Writing Guide
Plagiarism.org - It is the website that contains general information, examples and applications about citation, attribution rules and plagiarism.
The doctoral thesis jury is determined by the recommendation of the advisor and the head of the institute department and the approval of the institute board of directors. The jury consists of 5 faculty members, three of whom are in the thesis monitoring committee of the student, and at least two of them from outside the university, including the advisor.
The printed thesis is delivered to the institute by hand. In addition, the thesis is sent to the Graduate School via EDYS through the Department so that the originality report can be obtained.
The Institute prepares the Thesis Originality Report via Turnitin software and forwards it to the Jury Members.
Advisors can work on the text before the final submission by scanning the thesis with Turnitin before submission to the institute and giving feedback to the student through analogies.
SBE - Turnitin User Guide for Consultants
Thesis Formal Checklist
The Graduate School Administrative Board determines the date, time and place for the thesis defense exam.
The thesis defense exam is held within 1 month at the latest, following the decision of the institute board of directors.
The members of the jury prepare their personal reports on the unbound or digital copy of the thesis and the thesis originality report until the thesis defense exam date and take the student to the thesis defense exam.
The exam is between 60 and 120 minutes and consists of the presentation of the thesis and the following question-answer sections. Thesis defense meetings are open to the participation of lecturers, graduate students and experts in the field.
Doctoral Thesis Defense Exam Minutes
After the completion of the thesis exam, the jury decides to accept, reject or correct the thesis with absolute majority, and this situation is recorded in the minutes. Students whose thesis is accepted are considered successful. This decision is reported to the relevant institute within three days following the thesis exam by the head of the institute's department. The student whose thesis is rejected as unsuccessful is dismissed from the higher education institution. The student, whose thesis is decided to be corrected, defends his thesis again in front of the same jury by making the necessary corrections within six months at the latest. The student who is found unsuccessful in this defense is dismissed from the higher education institution.
The student submits all the documents announced by the institute and required for graduation to the institute. The student who fulfills the requirements for graduation is entitled to receive a Doctorate Diploma with the decision of the Graduate School Administrative Board.


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